How Tech Jobs Foster Economic Development

Tech roles from software development to data analysis and beyond have direct, significant outcomes. Whether it’s broader advancements in computing or creating a valuable new app, the impact of tech jobs are hard to miss. However, these roles also have far-reaching benefits in the realm of economic development that sometimes fly under the radar.

Here’s how the proliferation of tech jobs is fostering economic growth and why employers in the tech industry should sit up and take notice.

Bridging the Gap through Job Creation

Today, the digital economy is rapidly outpacing more traditional sectors. The tech industry creates millions of jobs worldwide — and not just for the highly skilled. As technology and digital skills become more and more accessible across the globe, tech roles are set to become one of the top drivers of job creation in our future. According to a 2023 report by the World Economic Forum, “technological advancement through increased adoption of new and frontier technologies and increased digital access are expected to drive job growth in more than half of surveyed companies.”

The ripple effect here is significant. An increase in employment rates corresponds with heightened economic activity. People have more income, which they pump back into the economy, creating a positive, self-sustaining cycle. Moreover, these roles tend to offer higher salaries than many traditional jobs, further fuelling this economic engine.

Additionally, hiring women in tech roles boosts comprehensive economic development by harnessing a talent pool that more accurately reflects a varied consumer base. This also addresses a historical imbalance and taps into an often underutilised reservoir of talent, perspective, and innovation. When women increase their earning potential through tech jobs, they are likely to invest in their families and communities, further augmenting economic growth and demonstrating that gender diversity is not just equitable, but also economically strategic.

Diversification of Economies

The economies of low- and middle-income countries have long relied on a limited range of industries, often linked to natural resources and low-tech manufacturing. This can leave local economies vulnerable to market fluctuations. Tech jobs add essential diversification to this mix.

When countries nurture tech industries, they reduce reliance on other sectors. They also insulate themselves against various global crises — whether economic, environmental, or health-related — as we’ve seen in recent years. The tech sector’s robustness was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, where it was instrumental in sustaining global economic activity during unprecedented lockdowns.

Spurring Innovation and Productivity

Tech jobs are synonymous with innovation. The sector’s very survival is based on the principle of “innovate or perish.”. By solving problems and improving efficiency through technology, productivity across all sectors is enhanced.

For instance, the introduction of new technology in agriculture, known as agri-tech, has revolutionised food production in many countries around the world. Similarly, fintech innovations have made financial services more accessible, even in remote areas.

Fostering Education and Skill Development

The demand for tech jobs encourages education and ongoing skill development, which together form the backbone of economic advancement. Governments and private entities, recognising the potential return on investment, are increasingly funding STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) education. This focus helps build a knowledgeable, skilled workforce capable of driving economic growth through technology. And as employers move towards skills-based hiring, the tech industry can become more and more diverse and offer high-quality career pathways for a broader range of individuals.

Moreover, the tech industry often necessitates continuous learning, meaning individuals must regularly enhance their skills to remain competitive. This culture of perpetual skill enhancement is vital for adapting to the ever-evolving job market, thereby sustaining economic development.

Enhancing Global Connections

Technology transcends physical borders. With the growth of remote work, especially in the tech sector, collaboration is no longer limited by geography. This interconnectedness means companies can tap into global talent pools, and individuals can work for employers from anywhere in the world, distributing wealth more evenly and adding a valuable dimension to economic development.

The Role of Employers in Stimulating Economic Growth

Recognising the economic leverage that tech jobs hold, employers in the tech industry worldwide have a crucial role to play. By investing in current and future talent, companies don’t just bolster their own prospects; they contribute to larger, macroeconomic stability and growth.

One impactful initiative employers can consider is partnering with organisations dedicated to cultivating the tech workforce — like us here at Generation. We train, place, and support individuals in various professions and fields, from technology to healthcare and beyond. We work with employers to bridge the skills gap, ensuring that people can build sustainable careers and that businesses can grow with skilled, motivated staff.

The end result is a powerful positive for both programme graduates and employer partners. In fact, 82% of our employers say that Generation graduates outperform their peers, and 92% would hire Generation graduates again. Learn more about partnering with Generation and the difference we can make in your business, industry, and community.

Partner With Generation for Economic Impact

Tech jobs are not just the future; they’re the present. They’re here, driving economic development by creating employment, enhancing productivity, and globalising workforces. This is a collaborative effort, and your company can actively contribute to this economic success story.

We urge employers, especially in the tech industry, to consider the broader impact of recruitment and development strategies. Partner with Generation to invest in the workforce. Not only will this enhance your competitive edge, but it will also contribute to the well-being of communities worldwide, creating a more prosperous, interconnected global economy. The tech sector has the power and the responsibility to drive this change.

At Generation, our mission is to train, support, and place people into otherwise inaccessible career opportunities that can change their lives. Donate today to help us create career opportunities for our learners and drive impactful worldwide change!