Understanding Unemployment: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Unemployment is a critical issue affecting societies worldwide, with wide-ranging implications for individuals and economies alike. This complex challenge stems from various causes and has profound consequences. Here’s a closer look at unemployment and how we are creating solutions at Generation and driving positive change in communities around the globe.

Causes of Unemployment

Economic Fluctuations

Economic fluctuations are a significant contributor to unemployment, which acts as a barometer for the health of a job market. During periods of economic downturn or recession, businesses face declining profits, reduced consumer spending, and often diminishing markets. This can lead to cost-cutting measures, including layoffs or hiring freezes, as companies strive to maintain financial stability. Conversely, in times of economic growth or expansion, the increased demand for goods and services often leads to job creation, as businesses need more hands to meet consumer demand. These cyclical changes directly influence the employment rate, making economic fluctuations a fundamental factor in the rise and fall of unemployment levels.

Technological Advancement

Technological advancement, while driving progress and efficiency, can lead to structural unemployment. As industries innovate and adopt new technologies, certain jobs become obsolete, and demand for the related skills diminishes. This shift can lead to a mismatch in the job market, where there’s a surplus of workers with skills that are no longer needed and a shortage of workers with in-demand skills. While technological progress also creates new types of jobs and industries, these transitions can be challenging and often leave gaps in employment.


The globalisation of world economic activity means jobs often move to places where labour is cheaper and/or where specific skills are available. We especially see this movement in manufacturing and certain service sectors.This movement benefits some economies and leads to job losses in others. 

Lack of Access to Education and Training

Education and training is an enabler that helps people acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to compete in the job market. Without these educational foundations and opportunities for skill development, individuals can struggle to meet the demands of employers or adapt to changing job market requirements, resulting in higher rates of unemployment.

This issue is particularly acute in areas with limited educational resources, where people may not have opportunities for personal and professional development, or in circumstances where education and training costs are prohibitively high. Addressing this gap is crucial not just for the individuals affected, but also for the broader economy, as a highly skilled workforce is essential for economic growth, innovation, and improved economic mobility.

Discrimination and Bias

Discrimination and bias in the workplace play a significant role in perpetuating unemployment and underemployment for various marginalised groups. Despite have the qualifications and skills for the job, individuals may face barriers to employment based on race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics. Discrimination not only affects the individuals who are directly impacted, resulting in higher rates of unemployment and underemployment in these groups; it also harms the economy at large by underutilizing the talent pool and perpetuating social inequalities. 

Effects of Unemployment

Unemployment has profound and far-reaching effects on many levels. For individuals, the loss of employment often leads to financial instability and can have severe psychological effects, including stress, anxiety, and a diminished sense of self-worth. The lack of a regular income  makes it difficult to meet basic daily needs and can contribute to a decline in overall quality of life. Long-term unemployment can also erode professional skills and make re-entry into the job market more challenging.

On an economic level, high unemployment rates reduce consumer spending, a key driver of economic growth. With fewer people earning wages, there’s a decrease in the demand for goods and services, which can lead to a cycle of reduced production, further layoffs, and economic stagnation. Unemployment also places a heavier burden on government resources through increased reliance on social welfare programmes and lost tax revenue.

For local communities, high unemployment can lead to a range of social issues. It can increase rates of crime and social unrest, and lead to higher poverty levels. The erosion of community cohesion and a sense of hopelessness can persist long after employment rates have recovered, leaving lasting scars on communities. 

Addressing the impacts of unemployment is therefore crucial for the well-being of individuals, the health of the economy, and the stability of societies.

Innovative Solutions to Unemployment

Addressing unemployment requires a multifaceted approach. Strategies include:

  • Skills training and job placement: Vocational education and training can equip individuals with the skills needed in the modern job market. It’s essential for training programmes to be closely aligned with industry needs and link directly with employers for placement.
  • Support for SMEs: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are significant employment generators. Supporting SMEs with incentives and resources can lead to job creation.
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship can drive economic growth and create jobs. Providing the right environment, funding, and support can encourage more individuals to start their businesses.

Generation’s Role in Ending Unemployment

Here at Generation, we are working to create opportunities for employment in communities worldwide. In fact, we’re celebrating two incredible milestones: 100,000 graduates successfully completing our employment programmes (including more than 50,000 in the past two years alone!), and $1 billion in wages earned by those graduates since our launch in 2015! We are helping people make real, powerful changes in their lives by transforming education-to-employment systems.

Here’s how we’re making a difference:

  • Targeted employment programmes: Generation offers boot camp-style training in various sectors such as technology, healthcare, and customer service. These programmes focus not only on the technical skills needed for specific roles but also the behavioural and mindset skills that ensure long-term success.
  • Employer partnerships: By partnering with employers, Generation ensures that its curriculum is aligned with real-world job requirements. These partnerships also help in placing graduates directly into employment, making the transition smoother and faster.
  • Mentorship and support: Generation provides ongoing mentorship and support to its students during the program and into the workplace. This support helps in ensuring long-term success and career progression.

Help Solve Unemployment With Generation

The fight against unemployment is ongoing and requires the collective effort of governments, private sector entities, NGOs, and individuals. By supporting Generation’s work , you can contribute to a future where everyone has access to meaningful employment.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Donate: Your contributions can support Generation’s employment programmes and expansion efforts.
  • Partner: If you’re an employer, consider partnering with Generation to hire skilled graduates.
  • Spread the word: Awareness is crucial. Share Generation’s work with your network.

Together, we can work towards a world where unemployment is no longer a barrier to economic and personal well-being.

At Generation, our mission is to train, support, and place people into otherwise inaccessible career opportunities that can change their lives. Explore our employment programmes to see the professions we support, or donate today to help us create career opportunities for our learners!